In the current digital era, where technology permeates every aspect of...
Promote Cybersecurity and fraud awareness to vulnerable groups, people of color, communities, start-ups, and under-represented in the UK. Develop a platform to promote this with the core aim of ensuring diversity, inclusiveness, and relatable content for cybercrime awareness.
Provide accessible cybersecurity awareness training to the group using personalized context and relatable content. We use Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to understand the approaches and strategies used by cybercriminals to perpetrate crime and fraud against individuals and groups.
Learn MoreWe Provide accessible cybersecurity awareness training to the group using personalised context and relatable content. We use Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to understand the approaches and strategies used by cybercriminals to perpetrate crime and fraud against individual and groups.
In the current digital era, where technology permeates every aspect of...
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